Code of conduct – Parents & Students, Teachers

Code of Conduct For Parents

At Bal Bharati Public School, MB Anuppur, we are very fortunate to have supportive and friendly parents. Our parents recognize that educating children is a process that involves partnership between home and school and understand the importance of a good working relationship to equip children with the necessary skills for adulthood. For these reasons we welcome and encourage parents/visitors to participate fully in the life of our school & advise them to follow the code of conduct as under:-

1- Respect the Principles of our school.
2- Adhere to school rules with respect to visit timing/security.
3- Ensure you carry a visitor’s pass to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to yourself. No entry of a visitor is permitted without a visitor’s pass.
4 Don’t criticize or belittle the school/teachers in presence of your child/in public.
5- Dignity should be maintained in the manner of dress when visiting the school.
6- Ensure your ward does not carry any electronic gadget/objectionable literature to the school at any point of time. Once confiscated, these items will not be returned.
7- Understand that both teachers and parents need to work together for the benefit of their children.
8- Must not exhibit disruptive behavior which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, an employee’s office, office area or any other area of the school grounds.
9- Must avoid using loud/offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language or displaying temper.
10- Be courteous to the school staff & polite in your interaction with anyone in the school.
11- The time of leaving the premises depends on the extra activities carried out by each student. Parents should get prior information from the children on these activities so as to avoid any concern or anxiety regarding their delayed return from school.
12- Parents have to report to Security, get a visitor’s pass and sign in a register while entering the campus.
13- Prior appointment should be obtained from the office, for parents to visit if other than for planned meetings such as Parent-Teachers meeting.
14- If a parent has been called by the school, it is very important for them to report in the front office. No parents are allowed to go directly to meet the teachers.
15- Parents are not allowed to go to the classrooms directly.
16- Parents on other days other than the PT meetings have to report at the office before they want to meet the principal or teachers.

With this guide in place it is hoped that parents can appropriately direct their concerns and contribute to a harmonious environment that reflects and builds on the School’s core beliefs and values.

Thanks & Regards

Student’s Code of Conduct

We at Bal Bharati believe that school is a place for teaching and learning and where students have the right to feel safe, secure and supported. To provide this supportive learning environment, students and others must foster respect among all members of the school community. Our school code of conduct is based on the belief that there are values fundamental to the well being of both the individual and society and that we are all responsible for the choices we make. The code encourages students to recognize and respect diversity and individual differences. In the process, we want students to develop self- discipline, which should be considered as a core of personal activity.

We expect our students to maintain and encourage high standards of personal conduct. These include honesty, discipline, integrity, respect and consideration, ethics and values.

Responsibilities towards School – General :

  • To protect and promote the sanctity of the school.
  • To maintain peace, order and harmony in school
  • To safeguard and preserve school property.
  • To be socially responsible in the society.
  • To respect elders, teachers and friends.
  • To treat the helpers and drivers of the school with respect.
  • To maintain cleanliness in the campus and also help in making our school an ecologically “green” school.
  • To attend and maintain the dignity and sanctity of the school assembly.
  • To maintain regularity in academic and non- academic activities.
  • To follow the general instructions given in the school by teachers and leaders.
  • To uphold the dignity of the school programmes by organizing, participating and helping.
  • Students should communicate softly and only in English while in school.
  • Student needs to attend all activities organized by the school such as Literary Fest, Independence Day Celebration, Sports Day or any other activities.
  • Student should take part in the school elections and discharge the duties as expected in the governance of the school and follow the rules and regulations.


  • Students are expected to have strict adherence to school timings. Students will not be permitted to enter the school after commencement of school time.
  • Students must report to class on time after break or activity periods.
  • Students should regularly submit school work.
  • Students should go to their respective classes on time.
  • While changing classes, students should maintain corridor discipline.
  • Students should seek the permission of the teacher to leave class early.
  • To ensure safety, students are not allowed to play in the classrooms.

Mobile & Electronic Gadgets

  • Students are not permitted to carry mobile phones on the school premises.
  • Students will not indulge in inappropriate use of the school computers or networks.
  • Students are not permitted to bring valuable electronic devices (ipods, cameras, tablets etc) without the prior permission of the Head Mistress.
  • Strict action will be taken if it comes to the notice of the school authorities that any student is involved in possession and circulation of inappropriate digital content on mobile devices.

Grooming / Dress Code

Students must be dressed in the school uniform whenever they are on the school premises. Students need to be in complete school uniform when:

  • They represent the school in any inter-school event even if it is conducted during holidays.
  • When they accompany their parents for parent – teacher meetings.
  • When they come to school for any reason even if it is during their study holidays.
  • Students should be in the proper uniform as prescribed. Proper length of skirts (girls of class I –V) and shorts (boys of class I –V) must be adhered to. Black shoes must be as defined in the uniform.
  • Boys should have short groomed haircut.
  • Girls with long hair should have it tied. Only white hairclips must be worn.
  • All students should have clipped nails. Girls are not permitted to wear nail paint.
  • Students are not permitted to wear expensive or flashy jewellery, watches and other accessories.


The staff and students of the school are happy to offer their best wishes on a student’s birthday. However, since learning time at school is very important, no birthday parties will be allowed in school. No birthday parties for teachers may be held during or after school hours. It is very important that no gifts are distributed. Moreover, no expensive chocolates like chocolate bars should be offered either to students or teachers. The students from class I to V may come in casual dress on their birthday but class VI onwards students must come in school uniform only.

In Case of Misconduct and Misbehaviour

Please remember that discipline, rules and regulations should be followed as a habit, without supervision and enforcement. These have been framed considering the students’ future.
We expect students to follow the various rules and regulations with minimal supervision. However, if a student violates acceptable standards of behaviour, the school may have to take some disciplinary action if the school does not find any positive change in behaviour.

The following activities are considered as misconduct and must be avoided. This is only a part of the list:

  • Falsification of records.
  • Misrepresentation of the school.
  • Coming late and leaving early without permission.
  • Continuous failure in wearing proper uniform, neatness and in doing home works
    Willful destruction, sabotage and theft of school property or that of other students.
  • Failure or refusal to follow the instructions of the school and teachers.
  • Disorderly or indecent behaviour, use of inappropriate language with fellow students and teachers / staff / visitors.
  • Carrying mobile phones or any compact discs / iPod either in school or while representing the school in various inter-school activities.

Code of Conduct on the Sports Field

  • Sports are to be played with the correct spirit of sportsmanship.
  • Aggression, fighting on the field and using abusive language will invite strict disciplinary action from the authorities.

Leave of Absence

  • Students must have a minimum attendance of 75% during the academic year in order to take the school examinations.
  • In case of missing school, a leave application must be presented to the school duly signed by the parents/ guardian.
  • In case of absenteeism due to illness, students must present a medical certificate to the school.
  • Long leave may only be taken with the prior permission of the Principal.
  • No Student is permitted to leave school during school hours without a valid permission slip from the Class Teacher.

Code of Conduct for Teachers

A teacher is constantly under the scrutiny of his students and the society who makes professional growth continuous through study and research. The teachers being role models to the society need to show the following attitude towards various components of the education system:

Teachers and the Students

  • To love all the students irrespective of their school performance.
  • To encourage students to improve their attainments.
  • To refrain from physical punishment, sexual abuse, mental and emotional harassment.

Obligations towards the Profession and Colleagues

  • To strive for his/her continuous professional development.
  • To participate in study circles, seminars, conferences, workshops.
  • To treat other members of the profession with respect and dignity irrespective of levels or qualifications.

Teachers and Authorities

  • To co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution.
  • To co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institutions.

Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff:

  • To treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a co-operative undertaking.

Obligations towards Parents, Community and Society

  • To build relationship of trust with parents/guardians in the interest of all round development of students.
  • To recognize that education is a public service and should strive to keep the public informed of the educational programs.
  • Should actively work for National Integration.